Bowser's Ledgedash

Please note that I have optimized the inputs for Bowser's ledgedash assuming you are using the claw controller grip, as it allows for the most consistency in performing the tight inputs required for performing a perfect ledgedash. Bowser's ledgedash is a very good tool, as when it's done perfectly, you're able to get an Uspecial out before your intangibility runs out, due to him having 7 GALINT (Grounded ledge intangibility) frames after his ledgedash completes.This means you can get out a fully intangible grounded Uspecial, Utilt, or Jab.

To perform the ledgedash, you should let go of ledge with a horizontal C-stick input directly away from the ledge on the first actionable frame after the 8 mandatory cliffcatch frames that start a ledgegrab. Then, on the frame immediately following the drop from ledge, input a doublejump while drifting inwards. After 11 frames of rising with the fading in doublejump, input a waveland down and in towards the stage. Luckily, with Bowser, if you input the airdodge on the following frame, so you've been through 12 frames of doublejump rather than 11, you can airdodge with the same angle and still have a considerable 5 GALINT frames, enough to still get an Uspecial out with full intangibility on the first active frame.

The exact inputs for the perfect ledgedash are as follows:

Bowser's Ledgedash
1:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames (8 Frames Total)
2:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames
3:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames
4:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames
5:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames
6:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames
7:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames
8:Mandatory Cliffcatch Frames
9:Drop (C-stick away to ensure no fastfall) (1 Frame Total)
10:Doublejump (Drifting inwards)(11 Frames Total)
21:Waveland Lag (Airdodge inwards) (10 Frames Total)
22:Waveland Lag
23:Waveland Lag
24:Waveland Lag
25:Waveland Lag
26:Waveland Lag
27:Waveland Lag
28:Waveland Lag
29:Waveland Lag
30:Waveland Lag
31:Grounded Actionable Ledge Intangibility (7 Frames Total)
32:Grounded Actionable Ledge Intangibility
33:Grounded Actionable Ledge Intangibility
34:Grounded Actionable Ledge Intangibility
35:Grounded Actionable Ledge Intangibility
36:Grounded Actionable Ledge Intangibility
37:Grounded Actionable Ledge Intangibility
38:First Vulnerable Frame


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